
Bacterial vaccines contain killed or attenuated bacteria that activate the immune system. Antibodies are built against that particular bacteria, and prevents bacterial infection later.

Typhoid Vaccine (TAB)

Typhoid vaccine

About product

The typhoid vaccine is a suspension of inactivated Salmonella typhi, not less than 1000 million, salmonella typhi and 500 million of each S. typhi para A and para B strains. Containing 0.5% phenol content as preservative.

How to use

  1. Vaccination should not be used during typhoid fever, liver, cardiovascular and kidney diseases and allergic conditions etc. Injection should be given under medical supervision.
  2. Initial dose is 0.5 ml and the 2nd dose is 1.0 ml after one week.
  3. The route of injection is intramuscular/subcutaneously.
  4. General reaction is 1-2 days of swelling pain at the site of injection, headache and fever.
  5. The vaccine should be stored at 2 - 8

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Typhoid Cholera mixed (TC)

Typhoid Cholera mixed vaccine

About product

Typhoid Cholera Mix (TC) vaccine is a suspension of inactivated Salmonella typhi not less than 1000 million and 400 million each of Vibrio Cholera Inaba and Vibrio Cholera Ogawa. 0.5ml phenol content as preservative.

How to use

  1. Vaccination should not be used during typhoid fever, liver, cardiovascular and kidney diseases and allergic conditions etc. Injection should be given under medical supervision.
  2. Initial dose is 0.5 ml and the 2nd dose is 1.0 ml after one week.
  3. The route of injection is intramuscular/subcutaneously.
  4. General reaction is 1-2 days of swelling pain at the site of injection, headache and fever.
  5. The vaccine should be stored at 2 - 8 degrees.

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Tetanus Toxoid Mix Vaccine

Tetanus Toxoid Mix Vaccine

About product

Tetanus is caused by the action of C/ostr1diumtelani toxin upon the central nervous system. The toxin increases reflex stimulation of the motor neurons by functional blockade of the inhibitory neurons. This leads to the typicaltelanus symptoms of rigidity and reflex spasms. For active immunization,the tetanus toxin is converted into a non-toxic toxoid which remains fully effective as an antigen.The active potential is increased by adsorption onto an aluminium adjuvant.

How to use:

Three doses of 0.5ml each, the first two doses are to be given 4-8 weeks apart with a third dose 6 to 12 months later. To maintain the level of immunity, further 0.5ml booster dose is recommended every 5 to 10 years. Tetanus Prophylaxis In Case of Injury:

Previously immunized individuals:

  • If tetanus vaccination was performed one year or less before present injury, prophylaxis is not necessary’.
  • If tetanus vaccination was performed one to five years previously, a booster dose Of O.Smlmust be given.
  • If vaccination was performed more than five years before, it is necessary to give a booster dose of O.Sml Tetanus toxoid along with an injection of 1500 IU.tetanus antiserum(ATS).

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