About Us

Biological Production Division is the producer of life saving vaccines and Anti-sera vaccines for immunization and therapeutic use to control against the infectious and non-communicable diseases in Pakistan.

This division is the major revenue-generating component of the National Institute of Health. The revenue generated through sale proceeds of vaccines and Anti-sera is utilized not only for the recurring expenditures of this division but it also supports operational expenditures of various other divisions and sub-divisions of NIH.

Major vaccine production includes Allergan Extract Vaccines, Rabies Vaccine, Typhoid Cholera, etc. Similarly Anti-sera is also produced against snake venom and Rabies Viral. Oral rehydration salt is also produced to counter diarrheal diseases. All the products are available at affordable prices to the people of Pakistan.

Message from chief BPD

Biological products are a kind of special agents for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. Biological production division is one of the main division of NIH involved in the production of vaccine and sera since its inception in 1960 and earned continued gratification from all its consumers for manufacturing quality products as per CGMP requirements according to WHO guidelines.

Quality control and quality assurance of biological products at BPD is essential during all manufacturing stages to build quality into the products.

Under the dynamic and driving leadership of Executive Director NIH Major General Aamer Ikram BPD NIH as created an ideal working environment in which all the employees have equal opportunities to use their abilities to maximum potential.

BPD is trying hard to achieve their set goals and committed to improve the capabilities of BPD to achieve self-sufficiency and reliance.

We at BPD-NIH vow to do our best to strengthen our competitness in the challenging times of fast changing international environment.

BPD Chief